海鮮過敏診斷研究 Seafood Allergy Diagnosis
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香港中文大學兒科學系的衛懿欣博士獲AXA安盛科研基金資助,研究全球首創的貝類敏感 DNA 疫苗免疫療法。
1. Share Your AXA Research | Dr. C Yee Yan Wai: A DNA Vaccine for Shellfish Allergy | AXA Research Fund
2. Can a DNA Vaccine Beat a Shellfish Allergy? | AXA Research Fund
3. A Year in Review | Building the Future | AXA Research Fund
香港中文大學新聞稿:中大醫學院證實「嗜鹼性粒細胞活化測試」 能準確診斷蝦敏感 表現更勝常規測試
香港經濟日報 topick:【食物過敏】少女曾吃海鮮後致出疹休克 中大醫學院發現一項抽血測試可準確診斷蝦敏感
星島網:食物過敏|中大最新BAT測試 準確診斷蝦敏感 遠勝常規檢測
香港中文大學新聞稿:中大醫學院研究發現鯇魚為本港魚類過敏的主要源頭 新致敏原「小清蛋白 Cten i 1」有助提升診斷準確度
am730:突破研究 發現鯇魚新致敏原 中大料助準確診斷
頭條日報:鯇魚發現新致敏源 中大將測試紅衫大眼雞
蘋果日報:注射低致敏蛋白 讓患者身體適應 中大研新療法 KO貝類敏感
東方日報:新型DNA疫苗 減貝類過敏
Wai CYY, Leung NY, Leung ASY, Shum Y, Leung PS, Chu KH, Kwan YW, Lee QU, Wong JS, Lam IC, Li PF, Xu KJ, Lam CY, Sun JL, Wong GW, Leung TF. Cell-based functional IgE assays are superior to conventional allergy tests for shrimp allergy diagnosis. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.08.057
Wai CYY, Leung NYH, Chu KH, Leung PSC. Animal models of allergic disease. Humana Press, Totowa 2020; [in press]
Leung NYH, Leung ASY, Xu KJY, Wai CYY, Lam CY, Wong GWK, Leung TF. Molecular and immunological characterization of grass carp (Ctenopharngodon Idella) parvalbumin Cten i 1: A major fish allergen in Hong Kong. Paediatric Allergy and Immunology 2020; doi:10.1111/pai.13259
Wai CYY, Leung NYH, Chu KH, Leung PSC, Leung ASY, Wong GWK, Leung TF. Overcoming shellfish allergy: How far have we come? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020; 21, 2234.
Leung ASY, Leung NYH, Wai CYY, Xu KJY, Lam MCY, Shum YY, et al. Characteristics of Chinese fish-allergic patients: Findings from double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2020; 8: 2098-100.
Wai CYY, Leung NYH, Leung PSC, Chu KH. Modulating shrimp tropomyosin-mediated allergy: hypoallergen DNA vaccines induce regulatory T cells to reduce hypersensitivity in mouse model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019; 20: 4656.
Wai CYY, Qin J, Leung NYH, Leung PSC, Chu KH. IgE signaling repression by a designer DNA vaccine to modulate shrimp hypersensitivity. European Medical Journal Allergy and Immunology 2019; 4: 69-71
Leung NYH, Wai CYY, Chu KH, Leung PSC. Mimotope-based allergen-specific immunotherapy: ready for prime time? Cell and Molecular Immunology 2019; 16: 890-891. =
Leung ASY, Leung NYH, Wai CYY, Leung TF, Wong GWK. Allergen immunotherapy for food allergy from the Asian perspective: key challenges and opportunities. Expert Review in Clinical Immunology 2019; 15: 153-164.
Wai CYY, Leung NYH, Leung PSC, Chu KH. Immunotherapy of food allergy: a comprehensive review. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2019; 57: 55-73
Tong WS, Yuen AWT, Wai CYY, Leung NYH, Chu KH, Leung PSC. Diagnosis of fish and shellfish allergies. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2018; 11: 247-260. [IF=3.730]